About Me

Hello! I'm really glad that you're reading my blog and want to know more about me!

 I'm an undergraduate student in South Carolina and I love almost every minute of it.

 This blog is meant to capture the food and crafty adventures that I'm working on, as well as some of the visual inspiration I get from across the Web.

 I'm really organized (most of the time) and I'm really inspired by cutting out pictures and keeping them around- its a visualization thing. I also enjoy following other peoples' tutorials, as I don't quite have the time to totally envision a project from start to finish while taking classes, but I need a creative outlet!

 Speaking of that creative outlet, this blog is meant to be an outlet of my craftiness/ food love because I didn't want to bore my family and friends unnecessarily by talking ONLY of those projects, which I was before starting the blog.

 I love to feed my friends and try out new recipes, so those are one of my focuses, but without my own kitchen, the recipes may come in spurts.

 Other than cooking and being crafty, I love reading and traveling. I am getting really into reading non-fiction food books and travel memoirs, but a good fiction book is a nice break from my technical reading!

 I love mail and comments, so let me know your questions and I'll answer them! Let me know what YOU want to know about me!

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