Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkin Recipe 6

Pumpkins for appetizers, pumpkins for cupcakes, pumpkins for chai bread, what else can you do with pumpkins?


Sorry, I'm not sure how to make oatmeal look pretty, but its tasty!
I was so excited to try this recipe with my friend, Sarah, because I love breakfast and I love pumpkin, so we combined them!

I made pumpkin oatmeal (with rolled oats) with this recipe from Pham Fatale. It was delicious- but when I make it again, I'm going to downsize the portions a little and maybe use just a teeny bit less pumpkin. Sarah said the texture was a little too "puree-y" like baby food, so I'm going to reduce it just a bit. Also, it definitely made 3 servings so her roommate got a little breakfast surprise after we left for class. 

If you are a bigger fan of steel cut oats, I can't wait to try this recipe from Naturally Ella. I wanted to try it, but we had a short breakfast date this morning and were super hungry after 6am prayer with some friends from church.

Pumpkin = DEFINITELY a good breakfast food; not just for pie anymore!

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